Pearl Aquatics

4 Questions to Ask While Interviewing a Pond Cleaner

Having a piece of nature in your home is a blessing. Even in apartments, people are installing a waterfall-cum pond where they are keeping live fish as pets. If you count yourself among one of those blessed people for owning one pond inside your property then make sure you are on good terms with a professional pond cleaner instead of DIY.

Therefore, instead of causing any harm to our fish call a professional pond cleaner just like you should hire a fish tank cleaner from a renowned aquarium shop.

Here are the four questions you must ask while interviewing a pond cleaner

  • Does the professional handle expensive fish like flowerhorn?

Breeds like flowerhorn fish are known to take a much bigger place with water maintaining a certain temperature to increase the color and growing in size. Fortunately, if you have managed to keep these vibrant aquarium fish in a natural pond by maintaining the rules then ask the pond cleaner whether they have experience handling these fishes while cleaning ponds or not.

  • Do you bring your tools?

Ask them in the first place whether they bring their tools and brushes for cleaning or not.

  • Do you work at the aquarium shop?

If you have approached your known aquarium shop for a pond cleaner, make sure you confirm that they work there before allowing the professional to clean the pond.

  • How long have you been in this profession?

You have to know about the professional experience of the workers before allowing them to clean your pond.