Pearl Aquatics

4 Things New Aquarists Keeping Flowerhorn Fish Should Maintain

A school of flowerhorn fish enhances the beauty of the place wherever the aquarium is placed. If you’re fascinated by the flowerhorn of the cichlid family, being a newbie- you have to follow some rules for maintaining these amazingly beautiful fish in your collection.

Here are the four things new aquarists should do to maintain the flowerhorn fish—

Start with finding a genuine dealer who has the goodwill to provide the best quality super red arowana or flowerhorn fish for the aquarium. Make sure the dealer is callable of providing you with the premium-grade flowerhorn for your collection.

Take smaller fish so that you can give them ample time to befriend the other siblings. Bigger fish in a new aquarium with other species of fish or the same often fight and feel alienated.

According to many religious believers and practitioners of feng shui and Vaastu Shastra- these vibrant fish bring luck to the household. Having such a colorful sobo aquarium might attract luck, prosperity, good health, and wealth to your life but above all, it brings beauty and positivity.

Have a word with the expert aquarium manufacturers about the shape and size of the fish tank you should have. Fowerhorn fish require ample space and temperate water with certain chemical levels in the tank.

For better survival of your vibrant flowerhorn school, hire a professional offering the best fish tank or the fish pond cleaning service. If you have a fish pond to keep your fish then regular maintenance is essential for these beautiful marine animals.