Pearl Aquatics

Aquarium Maintenance Routine

A clean aquarium doesn’t only look great, but it also helps to preserve the health and happiness of your fish. This is because over time, nitrates and metabolites can build up, which can affect the appearance of your tank and the wellbeing of your pets. Although most fish tank owners purchase filters to help keep the water clean, even the very best versions on the market aren’t sufficient to keep your tank perfectly clean and healthy.

Here is our guide to everything you need to know about cleaning your fish tank.

How often do I need to clean my fish tank?

Exactly how often you need to clean your tank will depend on a number of factors including the size of your aquarium, and the number of fish, type of fish and the filter system that you have.

Recommended Aquarium Maintenance Routine


Make sure the equipment is running properly. Watch your fish during feeding. Behavioral changes are a good indicator of a potential problem.


Count your fish. In case of fish death, smaller species can decompose quickly, resulting in ammonia and nitrite spikes, and eventually high nitrate levels.


Test your water for vital parameters: pH, carbonate hardness, nitrite, and nitrate. Clean the aquarium walls. Filter floss is fairly cheap and very efficient. Start from the bottom upward and rinse filter floss or scrubber frequently.

Vacuum the gravel. Change 10-15% of the water. Rinse filter inserts with the extracted water.


Replace filter inserts, cartridges, floss, carbon, and Algone. Rinse entire filter if needed. Inspect tubing, connections, airstones, skimmers and other parts for proper operation. Clean aquarium top to assure your lighting is not affected.

Check the expiration dates printed on the boxes and bottles of the aquarium supplies you use. Do not use after the imprinted date. Expired test kits will give false readings and may prompt you to take unnecessary action.

Book Your Cleaning Service today with Aquacare. Click Here