Pearl Aquatics

How to Keep a Freshwater Aquarium Clean?

Despite running the air filters and aquarium water pump daily, you also need to do a thorough cleaning of your aquarium for the well-being of the fish inside and also to enhance the looks of the place where the tank has been kept.

From cleaning the tank to replacing it with freshly conditioned water inside the tank, you can do the best for your fish to provide a healthy habitat and environment to them. Though fish tanks housing bigger fish need regular thorough cleaning, you also need to focus on the smaller tanks installed with good quality gravel, aquarium plants air pump aquarium, etc.

Here are some ideas to keep a freshwater aquarium clean—

Deep cleaning the aquarium is mandatory once every month considering the fish that you have. Sometimes you can also do it quarterly just like you opt for pond cleaning services Kajang or any other place.

Though DIY is possible, calling an expert from a reputed fish shop is a better option as they appear with the relevant equipment from gravel vacuum to algae scrubber, filter brush acrylic-safe cleaner aquarium fertilizer, and scissors to trim the plants inside.

The deep cleaning consists of scrapping the glass walls of the fish tanks after safely removing the fish to a temporary tank with the air filter on. Call the experts to deep clean the gravel to remove the single stains from the glass walls. They know how to condition the water and place the accessories safely after a thorough cleaning of the aquarium.