Pearl Aquatics

How to Maintain a Small Fish Tank?

Aquariums need proper cleaning. Whether you have a large aquarium or a small fish tank containing fish of any breed of your choice –make sure that once every month you do a proper deep cleaning to enhance the beautification of the tank. A thorough cleaning of the fish tank also improves the longevity of the fish or any marine animal by offering them a cleaner environment.

Here are some tips for maintaining a small fish tank—

Buy good air filters & pumps

Install good-quality air filters in your small fish tank to keep the water clean and provide fresh oxygen to the marine animals. Also, install a premium-grade aquarium air pump to keep the tank clean. Having a submersible pump installed in a small or large aquarium is highly recommended by aquarists for the better survival of the fish. The noise of the bubbles creates an aura inside the tank that soothes your mind.

Hire a professional cleaner

Despite hiring a pond cleaner for a thorough cleaning of your outdoor water body where you also have fish, appoint a fish tank cleaner to deep clean the aquarium by removing the pebbles and live plants after the fish and making it look like a new tank.

However, you can DIY the small fish tank cleaning in every two months if you have Guppies, Goldfish, or Mollys in the tank. If you already have installed an effective air pump aquarium that keeps both the tank walls and water clean.