Pearl Aquatics

Hikari Lionhead 100g Mini


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SKU: XL067005 Category:



  1. Specially formulated ingredients promote marvelous growth and desirable, true lionhead form which was previously not possible without feeding live foods which typically bring parasite and bacterial issues with them.
  2. Pure-cultured spirulina and shrimp meal provide easily assimilated, natural carotenoids that help your pet develop superior brilliance and luster.
  3. A sinking pellet that will not dissolve and therefore does not cloud your water.


Carefully feed the amount your fish will completely consume within a few minutes, based on your water temperature, pond condition and the activity level of your fish.

We recommend Hikari Lionhead as a daily diet for

All types of premium grade or fancy goldfish, especially Oranda, Lionhead, Azumanishiki and Ranchu.

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 15 × 8 × 21.5 cm