Fish Pond Maintenance
Step by step guide

#1: 2 months interval period
The recommended time interval for routine maintenance is 2 months once. This is mainly because we noticed a lot of fishponds, when we do the maintenance after 3 months; we can see a lot of dirt build up in the filtration system. And it made the filtration system inefficient.

#2: Block main pond water
First step is to block the main pond water from coming into the filter chamber.
Blocking the main pond water to the filter chamber during cleaning is a standard procedure to ensure the safety of the fish, protect the filtration equipment, and maintain the stability of the pond ecosystem.

#3: Mechanical filter
Once blocked we can start cleaning the mechanical filter like the sponges and foam using garden tap water.
The primary purpose of a mechanical filter is to capture and remove solid debris, fish waste, uneaten food, and other particles from the pond water.

#4: Beneficial bacteria filter
After that, filters where the beneficial bacteria will grow like coral and Japanese matt, we need to use the pond water to wash instead of garden tap water. To ensures the preservation of essential beneficial bacteria, maintains the stability of the pond ecosystem, and facilitates a faster recovery of the filter after cleaning.

#5: Surfaces of the chamber
After clean the filters & media brush the surfaces of the chamber.
Brushing the surfaces of the filter chamber complements the cleaning of filters and media, ensuring optimal performance of the filtration system and promoting a healthy and well-maintained pond environment.

#6: Drain the dirty water
Drain the dirty water out by plugging out the PVC Valve.
Draining the dirty water by plugging out the PVC valve is a necessary step in maintaining a healthy and well-functioning pond ecosystem. It allows for proper cleaning, debris removal, and water quality improvement.

#7: Main pond section
On the main pond, we need drain 50% water and then brush surfaces of the pond and vacuum the debris and dirt from bottom of the pond.
Gradual water changes are often recommended to avoid shocking the fish with sudden water level changes.

#8: Last before we go
We need to put in water conditioner to the main pond.
And also we need to add bacteria starter to kick start filter chamber.
Start refilling the water in the main pond of the fishpond.
UV Clarifier
We need to make sure the UV Clarifier is functioning well, this includes cleaning the quartz sleeve (if applicable). Generally the UV bulb needs to be replaced once a year so that it will performs the best.
By maintaining the UV clarifier properly, you can enjoy a cleaner, clearer, and more vibrant pond while supporting the health of its inhabitants.

In summary, routine maintenance of a fishpond is crucial for maintaining water quality, supporting fish health, controlling algae growth, and preserving a balanced ecosystem. Regular care ensures a beautiful and thriving pond, providing enjoyment for pond owners and a safe habitat for aquatic life.