Pearl Aquatics

What Aquarium Fish Can Beginners Keep?

Unlike dogs and cats, fish is a zero trouble-making pet you can rare in a customized discus tank. Besides, whether it’s a small or a large aquarium, the slow movement of the colorful aquarium fish from one side to another nibbling in their food or finding minerals to taste in the underneath gravel creates a tranquil aura.

There is no such beginner’s guide to keeping fish because if you choose a renowned aquarium shop Malaysia to set up the fish tank for you, they can suggest affordable yet gorgeous fish to enhance the glamour of your room.

Yet, here are the top five fish beginners can keep—


These orange beauty queens illuminate your fish tank. Goldfish need proper maintenance for survival and growth. So, hire a professional aquarium cleaner that can visit your place every month to clean the fish tank properly and condition the water ideal for the goldfish.


Angelfish belong to the Cichlid family that grows up to 6- 8 inches. They usually prefer living on small insects and shrimps. You can also keep them survive on live worms or nutritious fish food. Angelfish prefers plants so keep some aquarium plants inside the tank. Avoid keeping fish of other breeds in the same tank as angelfish are territorial and aggressive.

Flowerhorn Cichlid

Known as super expensive aquarium fish, beginners can easily keep them in a customized flowerhorn tank and give them their favorite food to sustain.

You can also buy Mollies, Guppies, Rainbow Fish, Golden Dwarf Barbs, Zebra Danios, Platies, Betta Fish, etc. for your fish tank.