Pearl Aquatics

What are the Pros & Cons of Keeping Discus Fish?

Are you in love with a school of colorful discus fish swimming in a huge aquarium? Even though this fish from the Cichlidae family is a treat for the eye and appreciated by many aquarists, often it becomes challenging to keep for beginners. You can buy fish tank online by custom-designing them for discus.

However, if you like something, you must always be ready to accept both the pros and cons of it. Therefore, know the pros and cons of keeping the fish in an aquarium discus tank before you make the final decision to install the huge aquarium.

Pros of discus fish-

  • Discus fish are mostly kept as a pet for their wonderful vibrant colors and graceful swimming patterns that make them visually enthralling despite beautifully adorned discus tank setup with air stones, living plants, diver pumps, etc.
  • The school of same-sized discus fish is peaceful.
  • Discus fish live longer than many aquarium fish if the water maintenance is done properly and they get nutritious food on time.

Cons of discus fish-

  • The aquarium shop online from where you buy the discus fish tank setup will make you understand how important it is to keep the water warm up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. You also have to use certain chemicals along with planting original plants to maintain the peacefulness and growth of the fish.
  • Minimum you need 75 gallons of water in a tank to keep the discus. Therefore, be prepared for the maintenance costs of the tank.