You can keep various fish in a 4 feet aquarium including angelfish, discus fish, barbs, cichlids, bettas, rainbow shark, tetras, guppies, platies, dwarf gouramis, mollies, and small groups of larger fish such as tiger barb, and golden barbs. Whatever fish you keep, you have to make sure that the tank is properly maintained, filtered and properly cycled.
At a reputed fish shop, you can ask for proper guidance before buying the fish that you can keep in a 4-foot aquarium.
Despite offering proper suggestions, the fish shop can also build the fish tank and install the necessary installations required whether an aquarium air pump or a filter to keep the water clean.
Here are some breeds of fish you can keep in a four feet aquarium—
The Vibrant Cichlids
Cichlids are exotic fish that are mostly found swimming across giant tanks. Fortunately, you can keep some breeds from this school of fish in a fur feet tank. Preferably, the children of these breeds can freely swim in tanks of this size.
Keep small schooling fish
The smaller neon tetras, zebra daniosm, rummynose tetras etc., are some of the best smaller fish that are ideal for a four feet tank.
No larger fish?
Do you want to keep a bigger breed inside your four feet aquariums, then keep a single angelfish or a smaller rainbow albino or black and silver shark.
Hire a fish tank cleaner once in every thirty days for cleaning the fish tank to provide a better life to your fish.